Thursday, May 5, 2016

New Nazca Geoglyph Of Strange, Tongue-Poking Creature Discovered

New Nazca Geoglyph Of Strange, Tongue-Poking Creature Discovered

photo credit: The newly-spotted marking is thought to depict a mythical creature. Yamagata University

A drawing of the outline of the newly discovered geoglyph. Yamagata University

One of the greatest mysteries of the ancient world may have any depth, after a huge and unprecedented geoglyph representing a bizarre-looking animal was spotted on the famous Nazca plateau in Peru. Dotted with hundreds of other geoglyphs - many of which can not be fully visible from the air - the area was once inhabited by the Nazca culture. Yet the fact that this pre-Columbian civilization had long since disappeared by the time the Europeans arrived in the Americas means that very little is known about how they lived and why they built these gargantuan illustrations.

The discovery was made by researchers at Yamagata University in Japan, who were able to spot from the ground thanks to the fact that he had been engraved on a slope. About 30 meters long (100 feet), the odd creature seems to be sticking her tongue and has a lot of legs and mottled marks on his body.

Researcher Masato Sakai told Discovery News that the geoglyph "certainly an imaginary or mythical creature," and suggested that it could have acted as a landmark for pilgrims heading to the Cahuachi ceremonial center nearby. This theory is supported by that the structure is located near another geoglyph which was first spotted on an adjacent slope in 2011, and the old road to Cahuachi short between.

The previously discovered geoglyph is said to represent "a scene of decapitation", adding weight to the idea that these giant prints may have played a ceremonial role, since the cutting of human head is thought to have been an important ritual activity for Nazca.

As with most of the surrounding geoglyphs, the latest discovery seems to have been constructed by removing the oxidized surface rocks to reveal darker land light color underneath. Displaced rocks were then placed around the contour of the mythical creature, to highlight its shape.

Many of the surrounding geoglyphs have also been created using the same technique - particularly those dating back to the late Paracas period, which lasted about 200 to 400 B.C.E. Based on this knowledge, Sakai told Andina that the newly discovered function "can be traced back to 2000-2500 years ago."

Since archaeologists began to take an interest in the Nazca lines way back in the 1940s, a number of theories have been advanced as to what purpose, they can be served. Some, for example, suggested that the impressive markings were somehow aligned with celestial bodies and thus acted as a kind of enormous astronomical map. Others, however, rejected the idea, instead saying they were sanctuaries.

Although we can never know for sure exactly why the Nazca lines were built, it is unlikely that sufficiently admire these amazing brands and speculate on what role they played in the life of the Nazca people .

All images via Yamagata University

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

5 Benefits of Quitting Smoking

5 Benefits of Quitting Smoking

The idea of ​​quitting may seem really great, but what are you actually going to come out of the process? For many people, there are some benefits that are immediately obvious. Of course, your clothes and home feeling much better, and if you have been a smoker car, your car will start to feel better. However, if you dive beyond the shallow reasons, what can you really expect to gain by leaving? Money matters and even your health are far greater than any minor smells that cigarettes can release.

One of the biggest advantages is saving money. Consider that a pack a day habit can easily build up a bill of $ 35 per week, $ 150 a month and then $ 1,825 in one year. This adds a huge amount which is really hard to play down. It is important to be really honest with yourself how much your cigarettes cost you if you try to reduce your budget, quitting smoking can go a long way towards freeing a lot of money.

While money is obviously nice to save, there are huge benefits to your health as well. For example, research tells us that as little as 20 minutes after you stop smoking, you'll be able to see a difference in your health. If you consider that quitting smoking can help you reduce your risk of heart problems, strokes, high blood pressure, lung cancer and even respiratory complications that you just located a plethora of reasons why smoking is really good to avoid. Research that says smoking is bad has proved that only a short time after leaving is able to reverse most of the harmful effects that cigarettes have caused, no matter how long you have been a smoker.

For example, if you quit smoking for a period of 5 years, you are not at higher risk of stroke than someone who has been a non-smoker for life. This is huge as those who smoke are considered at least twice as likely to suffer a stroke. Also, if you quit for 15 years, you can have the same risk of heart disease as a nonsmoker as well. Although it may seem strange to enjoy the risk of coronary heart disease, it is much better than doing a coronary artery disease. Given these small victories for your health is important because you will be able to significantly improve your quality of life.

Working to decide what benefits are the motivation for you is not always easy. You need to look at your lifestyle and determine what really matters to you. Not everyone is concerned about the health benefits, if you are more concerned about money then focus on what you can save. If you are more determined to improve your health, then focus your efforts on the health benefits that stopping smoking for good can really have for you. Ultimately, the reason you choose to stop smoking is to you, as you do, it will be based around your personality and individual smoking habits. Know what your motivations are can go a long way toward boosting the will but which is always a useful advantage, no matter why you try to quit.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Age-Defying Hair

Age-Defying Hair

A bright, clean and vibrant hair is a subject of envy for many. It is a manifestation of optimal health and proof of the youthful glow. Although it is a source of frustration for some, you can transform that dull hair, grimy, and soft of yours to an anti-aging enviably too! How?

Shampoo it only scalp

If you compare the skin care to hair care, shampoo is soap that removes oils, dirt, dandruff, pollutants and other impure particles that gradually assembles into hair. Just like your soap, your shampoo should be used only to certain areas to prevent etching as to make hair unmanageable.

So when the shampoo, remember that your hair is dirty and fatter scalp. Shampoo just your scalp and soapy overflow would be enough to clean the rest of your hair without saying goodbye to the natural shine of your hair. Remember, too much shampoo effectively removes too much oil that protects the protein structure of the hair against damage, and you're just invert the end of your goal. tss tss

Knowing what to use

Many shampoos, conditioners and other commercial hair products can damage your hair in the implementing long hair making dull and tired look. Choosing the right product is not only healthy hair and beautiful look, but also saves the hair from destruction. For very dry hair, use a mild shampoo and good conditioner that contain humectants that retains moisture in the hair.

For oily hair, a good nourishing shampoo should be used, while avoiding too much brushing because it excites the sebaceous glands that are already active. People with sensitive scalp should use organic or botanical shampoos because they are less aggressive chemicals, as well, softer your hair. For brittle hair conditioner with a rebuilder to be better used- those that contain hydrolyzed protein that penetrates the hair and strengthens its structure.

For people usually exposed to the sun or blow dryer and curlers, a shampoo and conditioner with thermal protectors must be used. These protect the hair against excessive heat. Baby shampoos should be used by babies, of course, its composition is not sufficient for the hair of an adult. There is no dispute as to what people with dandruff should use.

State only advice

Again, if you compare the skin care to hair care, conditioner is the moisturizer which helps improve the texture and appearance of hair. Like shampoo, soap, and moisturizing conditioner should be applied to certain areas. This time set conditioner only at the ends. This keeps the hair soft to sit at the roots that actually makes your hair more.

A good brushing

The nozzle of the dryer must be led down to help close the cuticle, improving the radiance of our hair. For the last three minutes of brushing, experts have suggested changing the equipment to a cool setting to fight against dry hair and frizz and flyaways.

Having a shorter hair

According to beauty experts, long hair can age you and make you look tired and haggard, and they say the shorter hair can give you the boost you need to look younger. So be brave to give you a better cut. You do not want to look old with long hair. Also, tell your stylist to add layers as this gives the hair fullness and bounce, which in turn makes the hair softer and shinier.


For a shinier hair, some people use a small amount of beer, yes, real ale in the rinse water.

Like fine lace

As said a popular hairdresser before, hair is like fine lace. It is a valuable part of people wear and display anywhere, anytime. Ultimately, if your goal is to look younger or just simply to look more beautiful, you will be responsible in taking care of a precious lace.

Age Defying Options For Men

Age Defying Options For Men

With the ubiquitous cosmetics designed for women, who said that men do not need things like these? Secretly or not, men put a little effort to make them look good. And stay young, too! As the common notion is, men become more vain as they age. But many are hiding this need that is not too manly for a man. However, the developments of this generation have eased notion that masculinity.

In 2005, more than one million American men underwent skin treatments, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Adding to this is the rise of 44% in minimally invasive procedures in which men have suffered from 2000 to 2005. Vanity has indeed taken its strike for more men.

But what are the exact things men should do and improve the vanity of looking young to take effect?

Treatments for anti-aging skin

While diet can be very useful for men to look young and well rested, men can also do this by some skin treatments that do not require a needle and a knife.

Men can try microdermabrasion. In this procedure, the surface of the skin that contains incredible number of dead skin cells are removed with a vacuum suction device. With a slight chemical crystalline formulation, aid microdermabrasion revitalize the complexion, reduce ultra fine wrinkles, helps cosmetics to be absorbed more, and make skin radiant young. This procedure 30 minutes results in a more uniformly textured skin.

Men can also use chemical peels. These topical products allow damaged area of ​​skin peeling. Chemical peels excite collagen production making skin firmer with improved texture and reduced surface lines, wrinkles, dark spots and sun damage. It makes it more relaxed, energetic and young. More men tend to look light chemical peel which is also one of the treatments for the most common skin in men. However, this light chemical peels must be repeated for effect last more than a few months. The effects of a medium peel persist about a year.

Another skin procedure can choose men's rejuvenation light skin. This procedure tones the face using light-based devices such as non-cutting laser beams that send out pulsed energy to the skin. rejuvenation also supplies light or laser skin collagen growth to give firmer skin.

Although he does not use harsh chemicals, it can reduce wrinkles and help give men will be revitalized. Although it can redden the skin for a short time after the procedure, this procedure requires no extreme tracking. Really good news for men.

Another option virile

For a man who is committed to retard the aging process, regular physical activity is a must-do. According to the American Heart Association, for a man to build endurance and strength, it must perform eight to 10 types of workouts to repeat eight to 15 times, and to three times a week.

An impressive number of studies have shown that regular exercise beats beating muscle strength, endurance and reduced muscle and bone density that tends to aggravate men age. In addition to its health benefits, regular exercise can also make a man a magnet for girls, which explains why many have been going to the gym.

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